The Little Known Secret To A Happy Life, Lottery Winning, And My Aston Martin Test Drive

The Aston Martin Virage I drove this morning. What a nice way to spend your lottery winnings!

Early this afternoon I put my three 27" screens to sleep, forgot about business, and jumped into my Mercedes sports car.

I was on my way to test drive a newAston Martin at the local dealership.

And I had picked the time.


It's a reality I enjoy every day. And it's called freedom - the real secret to a happy life.

Winning a heap of money will give you some freedom. That's why we're all here, isn't it, reading more about how to improve our winning in the lottery and life.

Winning gives you instant be able to speed up tasks and jobs - to give you more time doing what you want.

Instant coffee, tea bags, TV dinners, speed dialling... all these shortcuts help get the boring tasks of life out the way quicker.

And I'm an avid user of the fast lifestyle.

So when I first developed the Silver Lotto System, I wanted freedom from having to fill out tickets each week.

Other systems I've seen demand that you keep filling in new tickets each game. No one has time for that!

I knew there had to be a better way.

And I struck it lucky. Even though speed wasn't the first priority (that was winning), my System put that time consuming problem out of the way for good.

Because once the tickets are filled out, you don't have to do anything again.

Just get down to the lotto store, present your prefilled tickets, then wait for the good news on the tv later.

So this saving of a couple of hours each week is probably the best part of my system.

I have a lot of other shortcuts and time savers too:

  • I don't wait in queues. I choose the time of day when there are none.
  • I stay focused. Everything I do is directed towards one goal... helping you win as many lottery prizes as possible. I'm able to stay away from anything that distracts me and wastes my valuable time.
  • I use automation wherever I can.I have robot vacuums, a dishwasher, an ironing steam press.
  • I use services like a gardener to save me hours a week.
  • I live close to the center. I'm only 7 minutes drive from the middle of our city. Everything I need from shops is just minutes away.
  • I work at home. No commute!

 You can do many of these time-savers without winning, but at some point you'll have to hire people or buy equipment.

As for my Aston Martin test drive, it went like a dream. The Virage is one of the best models I've driven so far. It may even get on my dream wish list.
