NEW FEATURE TODAY: Now LottoPredict Tells You What To Spend

Today my essential service LottoPredict just got more valuable. You won't believe how much info is packed into this grid for just $6.60 a month.

The last addition was the star rating Odds Score which identified the best games to play in any country with my System. Now I've just added Minimum Play.

Minimum Play (Min.$) is the smallest amount you should spend on your tickets to get the best results.

It applies only to the Silver Lotto System - not PRO.

With PRO you should always spend as much as your budget allows, since each Profile will give you the optimum result no matter what.

But with the standard Silver Lotto System, many players are uncertain how much they should spend.

When the square says 25%, do you play the same number of tickets, or more, less, or what?

Minimum Play will tell you.

So now we have all this information in LottoPredict:

  • Odds Score: tells you the best game to play 
  • Country and Game: 112 game days shown 
  • Balls and Numbers 
  • Day Of Play 
  • Green/Red predictions: YES, NO 
  • ...also with 75%, 50% and 25% options 
  • Minimum Play 
  • PRO profiles selection 
  • PRO games available

It all adds up to a bunch of information.

And the best part?

Yes, it's the only service for lottery of its kind.

And LottoPredict is not just for a single game only.

There's 112 game days there, for most countries and states, all available to you at no extra cost.

If you change states or countries, or you play another game online, the game you need is there at LottoPredict.

There's no extra charge for seeing the complete list of world games.

To see the complete list here.